NEW CONTENT: Pictures of the 1919 Ford Model-T Fire Truck that was in Service at Eloise added to the Photo Gallery Page. You can see the truck on display at the Westland Historic Village Park. Photos courtesy of

Just added to the News Archive Page: News stories from 1900-1910.
Added to our Artifacts page: This letter was found inside an engineering book from S.M. Keenan’s personal library. Keenan was the long time book keeper/historian at Eloise, and pioneered the x-ray machine. He also wrote the “History of Eloise” in 1913. Courtesy of Todd Bonner and Detroit Paranormal Expeditions.

See our Artifacts page for a bigger image.
Misc photos from the grounds of Eloise in 1985-86.
Exterior views of the Wayne County poorhouse in the winter of 1883. Found on the Detroit Public Library Digital Collections website.

William J. Seymour hospital (“C” Building) Submitted by Kathleen Abbey. Dr. Seymour organized the first medical staff at Eloise. Therefore, a hospital on the grounds was appropriately deemed the William J. Seymour Hospital. You can read more about the hospital in our detailed Building Appendix.

FROM OUR E-MAIL: Attached is a post card of the Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Railroad station at Eloise. According to HISTORY OF ELOISE (1913) Page 357, the first electric rail car reached Eloise on April 24, 1898. The motorman (driver) on that car was Daniel Sullivan a former Eloise employee. Dan Sullivan is my great-grandfather and I have the original HISTORY OF ELOISE book that was given to him. – THOMAS P.