Through the trees in the lower right-hand corner, you can see the famed "Eloise" Smokestack.
Although the building was one of the newer buildings at Eloise, it still could not escape the wrecking ball.
A closer look.
All that remains on the Hospitals grounds today are parking lots and rubble.
Rubble falls from the inside of the building as it it slowly torn down.
Through the trees in the lower right-hand corner, you can see the famed "Eloise" Smokestack.
WCGH Demolition Photos from 1999. Thank you to the Wayne County General Hospital Laboratory Event Group , a group of former Wayne County General Hospital Laboratory employees who stay in touch for letting us use these pictures!
Eloise in 2001.
Eloise in 2003.
Eloise in 2006.
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
"ELOISE" Smokestack demolition - September 2006
“ELOISE” Smokestack damage and demolition, 2003-06
Eloise Cemetery, 2008.
1919 Ford Model-T Fire Truck that was in Service at Eloise. You can see the truck on display at the Westland Historic Village Park. Photos courtesy of