In 1892, a devastating fire was experienced by the Eastern Michigan Asylum in Ypsilanti, and a large number of patients had to be moved back to Eloise. In the following year, 1893, the Cady Farm, located west of the Asylum grounds, was purchased. A building was also erected west of the first Asylum building. It was first called “Women’s New Building” and later (in 1904) was designated as “C” Building and after 1932 as “F” Building. The fact that Wayne County had a suitable hospital served as a good excuse for State institutions to return the pauper insane to Wayne County so that other counties could send their commitments directly to State facilities.

[ This information presented in whole from “A History of the Wayne County Infirmary, Psychiatric, and General Hospital Complex at Eloise, Michigan” by Alvin C. Clark; page 45. ]