Thank you SO MUCH to Mark Boone for providing 95% of these great pictures, this site would be nothing without your generosity! Pictures and written history from A History of the Wayne County Infirmary, Psychiatric, and General Hospital Complex at Eloise, Michigan: 1832-1982 by Alvin C. Clark.
Institutional Buildings- 1832-1982
Poor Houses and General Medical Facilities
Building | Year | Since 1932 | Prior 1932 | Original Bed Capacity | Remarks |
First County House | 1832 | – | – | – | Located in Detroit (Hamtramck). Razed, date unknown. |
Second County House | 1839 | – | – | – | Black Horse Tavern, removed 1845. |
Third County House | 1846 | – | – | – | Additions: 1856, 1858, 1873, 1888. Converted to Fourth County House, 1890’s. |
Fourth County House | 1896 | – | – | – | Foundation and structure used for Dr. W. J. Seymour Hospital, “C” Building, 1933. |
Adm. Building (Gen. Offices, chapel & asylum med. hosp.) | 1887 | – | “A” Building | – | Razed 1930. |
Women’s Annex | 1914 | “B” Building | “C” Building (Fourth County House) | 200 | Razed 1960. |
T.B. Tents | 1903 | – | – | – | Dicontinued use when T.B. Sanitarium was built. |
T.B Sanitarium | 1911 | – | – | – | Razed 1960. |
“A” Building Infirmary | 1925 | “A” Building | “D” Building | 392 | Built to house women infirmary patients. Under Board of Auditors control in 1974. |
Dr. William J. Seymour Hospital | 1933 | “C” Building | “B” Building | 500 | First General Hospital Operation. |
Kelly Hall | 1931 | “N” Building | – | 5,000 | Originally called the “barracks,” two wings added in 1932, NE end of building. |
General Hospital | 1962 | “O” Building | – | 525 | Second General Hospital building. |
Long Term Care Facility(Walter P. Reuther Building) | 1974 | “P” Building | – | 358 | Replaced “N” Building as extended care facility. Sold to State for psychiatric use 10/1/79. |
* – Present Structure
Psychiatric Care Buildings
Building | Year | Since 1932 | Prior 1932 | Original Bed Capacity | Remarks |
First separate buildings used for the insane | 1840’s | – | – | – | Two buildings, one NE and one NW of County House; first used to separate mental patients from other infirmary patients. |
First Asylum Building | 1868 | “E” Building | “B” Building | 307 | Main asylum building until “D” Building Center extended 1876, reconstructed 1899, east and west wings added 1905 and 1906; razed 1955. |
Administration and Chapel | 1887 | – | “A” Building | Open Wards | Razed 1930. |
Women’s New Building | 1893 | “F” Building | “C”Building | 170 | Razed 1955. |
Women’s Insane Hospital | 1903 1915 1922 1924 1925 1928 1929 | “G” through “M” | “D” through “J” | 165 270 240 374 272 320 342 | Razed 1955. Vacated 1973. Vacated 1973. Vacated 1973 Vacated 1973. Vacated 1973. Vacated 1973. (Used as County Jail Annex). |
Administration Building * | 1931 | “D” Building (Present Structure known as Kay Beard Building) | “A” Building | 409 | Psychiatric facility and Institutional administrative offices until “O” Building was contructed. |
* – Present Structure
Employee Residence Buildings
Building | Year | Remarks |
Apartment Building and Cafeteria (After 1915, only letter designations were used for new buildings.) | 1921 | Addition in 1923. |
Brick Bungalow | 1920 | Formerly called Steamfitter’s Residence. |
Brick Cottage | 1914 | Formerly called Employees Brick Tenement. |
Brick Residence | 1895-1930 | Altered 1920 and 1930. |
Cement Cottage | 1913 | Razed in 1959. |
Double Residence | 1895 | Constructed to house hospital bookkeeper and Superintendent. |
Electrician’s Cottage | 1893 | Torn down 1924. |
Gardner’s Cottage and Garage (formerly called Farm Cottage) | 1926 | Built to house farm hands, later used for general employee housing. |
New Terrace | 1923 | Additions in 1925 and 1928. |
* – Present Structure
Auxiliary Service Buildings- Current and former
Building | Year | Remarks |
Ambulance Garage | 1917 | Now torn down. |
Amusement Hall and Storeroom | 1913 | Razed 1930-40. |
Animal Care Facility | 1970 | Torn down. |
Bakery (one) | 1856 | In basement of the addition to County House, rebuilt 1890. Replaced by new bakery in 1905. |
(two) | 1905 | Enlarged in 1917 and 1931. Used until operation ceased in 1960. Burned down in 2016. |
Cannery Building | 1939 | Torn down. |
Carpenter Shop (one) | Unknown | Torn down to build Administration and Chapel 1887. |
(two) | 1891 | Served as Carpenter Shop and Morgue until 1922. |
(three) | 1923 | Torn down. |
Roman Catholic Cemetery | – | In 1910, bodies were moved for paving of Michigan Avenue. |
Institutional Cemetery | – | Located south of Michigan Avenue. Used until late 1940’s. |
Cold Storage Plant | 1917 | Torn down. |
Commissary Building | 1936 | Present structure. |
Conservatory (one) | 1897 | Stood behind east wing of “E” Building. |
(two) | 1912 | Enlarged in 1922, razed 1957. |
Fire Hall * | 1895 | Former Asylum Laundry remodeled in 1929 and addition added in 1932. |
Flammable Liquids | 1915 | Torn down. |
Flammable Liquids (second) | 1935-1936 | – |
Garages (one) | 1915 | North of “F” Building. |
(two) | 1923 | Torn down 1928 for construction of “L” Building. |
(three) | 1929 | Replaced 1934 |
(four) | 1934 | Torn down. |
Gas Lighting Plant | 1886 | Buildings added to original Heating Plant (1887). |
Electric Lighting Plants | 1894 | Torn down 1925. |
Grounds Greenhouse | 1912 | Enlarged 1922 and in 1923. Razed 1957. |
Dr. T.K. Gruber Memorial Auditorium | 1940 | – |
Ice House (one) | 1869 | For County House. Torn down 1921. |
(two) | 1882 | For asylum use. Destroyed by fire, 1921? |
(three) | 1903 | For asylum use. Torn down, 1921. |
(four) | 1906 | For County House. Torn down, 1921. |
(five) | 1915 | Lake Ice House. Torn down, 1937. |
Incinerator (one) | 1911 | Back of T.B. tents, torn down 1924. |
(two) | 1925 | Torn down 1930. |
(three) | 1930 | On flats north of Trestle, torn down 1936. |
(four) | 1931 | Back of “N” Building. |
(five) | 1962 | Part of “O” Building. |
Michigan Central Subway Viaduct * | 1922 | To provide safe passage to farm area south of Michigan Avenue. Still can be found on south side of railroad tracks. |
Asylum Laundry | 1895 | Remodeled 1929 for Fire Dept., extention added in 1931. |
County House Laundry (one) | 1897 | Torn down 1931. |
(two) | 1916-1917 | Torn down. |
(three) | 1960 | Attached to “O” Building. |
Perrinsville Cottage, power station, pumping station | 1901 | Sold to Hawthorne Country Club, 1927. |
Pest House (one) | 1858 | Frame Building 1,500 ft. NW of County House, first used as School House. |
(second) | 1886 | Used for storage, razed 1916. |
Power Plant (one) | 1887 | Electric Light Plant addition, 1894; Major additions 1901, 1915. Torn down 1924. |
(two) * | 1924 | Still stands today. |
Pump House Reservior | 1916 | Replaced 1924. |
Pumping Station (Softening Plant) | 1924 | Built adjacent to first reservior; Addition to house transformers 1931. |
Railroad Station (one) | Unknown | Torn down 1931. |
Railroad Station (two) | 1886 | In 1899, extended to Boiler House; razed around 1931. |
Reservior between “N” and “P” Buildings | 1930 | Holds 1,500,000 gallons. |
School House (one) | 1858 | Destroyed by fire in 1864. |
(second) | 1880 | Torn down 1931. |
Sewage Disposal Plant (one) | 1896 | 1899 addition. |
(two) | 1917 | 1927 addition, use continued in 1934. |
Smoking Room Building | 1917 | First used for male Infirmary patients. Razed 1969. Last used as paint shop and shoe repair shop. |
Trolley Station (one) | 1899 | Moved in 1910 to back of T.B. Sanitorium and used for storage. Torn down 1936. |
(two) | 1911 | Torn down 1931. |
Water Tower | 1907 | Holds 50,000 gallons. |
* – Present Structure
Farm Buildings
Buildings | Year | Remarks |
County House Barn (one) | 1841 | Torn down 1886. Replaced by new County House barn. |
(two) | 1875 | Located south of Michigan Avenue. Used for farm storage until 1940. |
(three) | 1886 | Wings rebuilt 1901, silos added 1909. Torn down 1925 for “A” Building. |
(four) | 1924 | Formerly called Dairy, Grain, and Horse Barn. Used for storage and paint shop. |
Asylum Barn | 1896 | Torn down 1926 for new psychiatric building. |
Root Cellar (one) | 1884 | Torn down 1922. |
(two) | 1935 | – |
(three) | 1942 | – |
County House Piggery | 1889 | Torn down 1913, located north of County Barn. |
Asylum Piggery (one) | 1896 | Located north of double residence on Asylum Farm. Torn down 1917. |
(two) | 1900 | North of asylum barn yard. |
(three) | 1913 | built near Merriman Road, torn down 1924 for Building “C.” |
Cement Piggeries | 1917 | Located 1/2 mile south of Michigan Avenue. |
Large and Small Hen Houses | 1904-1906 | Torn down in 1924. |
Concrete Storehouse | 1913 | Formerly used as piggery. Torn down in 1924 to make room for “H” Building. |
Blacksmith Shop | 1915 | Destroyed by fire in 1919. |
Piggery Cottage | 1917 | Swineherd’s Cottage; Razed 1976. |
Farm Greenhouse (one) | 1917 | Built just south of 1875 barn, south of Michigan Avenue. Torn down 1932. |
(two) | 1918 | Built to the east of first greenhouse. Replaced by third greenhouse. |
(three) | 1932 | Replaced first greenhouse, 1917, on its site. |
(four) | 1932 | Built to the west of third greenhouse. |
Farm Residence and Garage | 1918 | – |
Greenhouse Barn | 1876 | Was the oldest remaining building on grounds, but has since been torn down. |
Farm Tool Shed | 1909 | Razed 1931. Material used on east side of Dairy Barn. |
Slaughter House | 1928 | Old piggery. |
Tobacco Shed | 1937 | Destroyed by fire in 1975. |
* – Present Structure